Guangdong Hangxin Technology Co.,Ltd
Products detail
Product Name: Sodium Permanganate
CAS No: 10101-50-5
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Inorganic salts
Product spec: 40%
Packing: net weight 25kg plastic drum,1250kg IBC barrels packaging
Post Time: 2017-04-26
Usage: Purposes: as oxidants, disinfectants, fungicides and phosphorous antidotes. Toluene is also used to manufacture saccharin, o-toluene sulfonamide and organic synthesis and purification of phenol wastewater treatment. Can be used for circuit boards, metal surface cleaning, the conductive film cleaning to remove grease, electrolytic manganese dioxide, chemical fiber finishing, electroplating addition to hydrogen sulfide and other odors, as well as water treatment and so on.
Description: Product Name: Sodium permanganate Manufacturer: Guangdong Hang Xin Technologies AG Use level: Industrial Content: 40 (%) Implementation of quality standards: Q / GDHX 1-2011 CAS Number: 10101-50-5 Brand: Navigation Molecular formula: NaMnO4 Molecular Weight: 141.93   Appearance: purple liquid. A density of 1.36 ~ 1.39 g / cm3, soluble in water, ethanol and ether, soluble in liquid ammonia. Decomposition in alkali. Strong oxidizing. And chemical properties similar to potassium permanganate.
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